Tanya Dotson-Winckler



Founder of 180 Degree Time Management™

Executive Breakthrough Coach with 30 years of experience.

Princeton University graduate- Class of 1982

New York University Masters of Public Administration: Community Development Fellow - Class of 1987

I have been where you are and I know what you need:


A personalized Workday Management solution to your productivity problems 

A simple, reliable and sustainable Time Management structure to manage your life.

Clear instructions on HOW to transform your time management habits for good!


I created 180 Degree Time Management™ because I am convinced that I help people transform their relationship to time. I KNOW burnout is NOT the price for success.

I am passionate about sharing this tool for freedom, giving business professionals the time to live full, rich AND productive lives.


I know what it’s like to feel stressed out, disorganized, exhausted and behind schedule and I want to help the business world lead better, well-rounded lives.



Tanya Dotson-Winckler Time Management Coach


Tanya Dotson-Winckler

Maverick- Disruptor- Original

Phone:    +1 904-251-9850


Email:      info@180dtm.com